Cordially, Kaycee

Sunday, October 04, 2015

I'm so excited to finally announce my "new" blog! 

Cordially, Kaycee is up and running and I could not love it more! I've been working with the unbelievably talented Tori, of Harper Maven Design for weeks (or has it been months?), and she helped bring my vision to life in the most perfect way possible.

Not only did I completely change my blog name (obviously), but the entire website has been revamped and beautified! Tori helped give me the clean, simple look I wanted for my site, all while keeping it interesting and user-friendly.

I love change (hence Blueberry Change), and was definitely ready for something new and improved on here to share with you all. I'm so excited about how it turned out and hope you love it, too!

So, welcome to Cordially, Kaycee. A place where I'll continue to share all kinds of things that inspire me in one way or another!

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